Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Winner, winner.. chicken dinner.

I'm driving myself insane with my slacker-ness. We all know who won: Jeanin Mason. And i'm totally pumped! But everyone that reads this already knows how pumped I am. However, I can't possibly leave my "Who's it going to be?" post up any longer. So here... it's late... but it's a post. Enjoy!


Cori` said...

OHHHHH YEAH BABY I have so been waiting for this post. I’m so super happy she won and Taiz picked her form the beginning. It was so silly to hear hers scream and say Night Nigh dance girl won. OH Kash Taiz is so a dancing girl she knows her stuff.

Kash said...

lol I'm happy I pleased you with this post. And yes Taiz is definetly your daughter! She is awesome!! Way to pick them Taiz! Night Night girl all the way!