It is hard to post blogs about shiney, new engagement rings that weigh a ton, or a handsome, silly husband that surprises you with 2 dozen red roses, or adorable kiddos that always keep you on the go when... You have none of those.
So instead, let me interest you in my latest adventures.
* My Aunt Melynda and her kids have been staying with us the last couple of weeks. It has been exceptionally wonderful having some one visit. I think Nambo and Do Do get exceptionally tired of their strange, adult granddaughter whom won' t leave home. I don't know who that would be?
Which leads me to my next adventure. Remember the little tiny white house I used to live in? (which I loved) Well, it is becoming old, ran down, creepy, taken over by large weeds that I swear only grow in the deepest corners of the dampest rain forests and also has homeless, streetwalkers posting up camp in it and making it their cozy little home. Why, you ask? Well, because it needs a new roof, new carpet, and goodness gracious there is a squirrel living under it so of course no body should live in it! Or at least that is what i'm told.
Here is my question: Why can't my grandparents' strange, adult granddaughter live there???
Good question, huh?! I thought so. I 've asked around and my question is still under construction. I'll keep you all updated when I get an answer. Don't expect too much.
Hmm what else has happened to me lately?? Oh! I start school at a big, bad university on August 11th. I know what you all are thinking... "Psst, Kash... NAU-Distance Learning/Thatcher Campus is not a University!" Well, keep your thoughts to yourself and let a girl dream. 2 more years here and I am off to see what the world has to offer... in an elementary classroom. Should be great!
I think that is about it for now. If an unexpected shiny engagement ring, funny husband, or cuddly child comes my way I will let you know. Tootles!
The start of my story
5 years ago
1 comment:
That was the silliest little post ever and I just loved it. I had to re read it twice because it was so funny but that may be because its almost 2 in the morning so I have silly no sleep giggles, but yes you all lived and survived in that house, Kody and I survived a year there and little Taiz survived in the belly there so if you want a chance living at the use to be cute little house but is now run down creepy creepy then go for it I say. All the house needs is a little love and then it’s a home again and you have got a lot of love to share. Also you might want to invest in an alarm system to keep the creepy homeless folks away or maybe a dog like crow jones and just look past the crazy plant life growing. Plus everyone needs their own space but I think Nammy and Do Do would miss the strange adult child that lives with them now if she moved who ever that is.
Dream all you want Kash I am super proud of my dancing- face book-workout-play putting on buddy. You follow your dreams and dream big I am some what jealous that I was not able to get my teaching degree so go big for both of us please.
P.S. I think that squirrel has lived there forever I can remember it crawling around at night when I lived there and I would wake Kody up and say “someone is in our house” and he would say “its just a squirrel go back to bed”. So I don’t think the squirrel will ever leave.
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