Sunday, June 14, 2009

Update-- Week 1 kick-off

Well, week one has come and gone and my what a good week it was!! I can't believe how good everyone is! It's going to be such an awesome season! Well, Tony and Paris did not make it past the first week. Their dance was just, O.K. I have seen better. This is just my opinion (warning: I give my opinion A LOT on these updates... just a heads up : ) )

Here is the kick-off picture. Can't wait for next weeks dances!

1 comment:

Cori` said...

This season is so going to be the best ever all the dances on the show were so amazing and the dancers so strong and talented but this couple just could not pull it off. Its to bad for them but I am so ready to see what this Wednesday brings its going to be pure delight I’m sure of it!!!