Friday, July 18, 2008

Remember Me??

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot...anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :)


Melynda said...

Oh Krackalackin.....too many memories to choose from. I so enjoyed playing school with you and playing with all of your special characters. I loved the whole summer you lived with us and all the visits you've payed to Sug. I absolutely loved the day you decided to go head-first down our slide. Oh, how I love recalling that memory!!!

Hi everyone from the brady bunch! said...

This one is hard. Your whole life has been a memory. How about the time that we were walking up the mountain behind our house and you didn't want to walk, so you threw alittle fit. So I gave you alittle spank on the butt. Only to find your three brothers sitting in the bushes watching you and laughing hysterically. I was more embarrassed then you were. But you want it though!!! I could go on and on and on. But right now I am going into the living room to watch enchanted with you.

Cori` said...

This memory is from Kody. We were all snorkeling in the water in Mexico and we did not know tell later but mom caught the whole thing on video. You threw a nasty little fit because you could not see and breathe with the goggles and snorkels on.

Cori` said...
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payneful life said...

Kash...well high school was quite a memory. word POMS!there were too many to choose from.

Ryan P said...

looks like a lot of these memories have to do with a kash fit...umm lets go with the time when you me and kayle were at the point. Kayle and I were doing some cool handstands in the pool and you decided to try one out, well the handstand was okay but then you popped outta the water with an object on your eyelash, and it happened to be a booger. Then of course you denied it with a kash fit. haha!

Danneel said...

I remember when I had to drive to a resort in Scottsdale to sign for your hotel bill on the 4th of July - becasue someone (not to mention names) was not of age!

I love your post and your camera skills are increadable!

Cori` said...

Alright Kash her are a few of my memories of us and they have to do with dance of course.

I remember teaching that lovely elite class with those girls who had the attitude of we know everything even about dance. I loved how they would stare at us when we would come in with are dance clothes on (leg warmers, leotard, tights with holes in them most of the time because they are more cozy that way, and what ever else we would throw on with it.) Also how they would not listen to us when we would talk and how they looked like they were much older then us even though we had like 4 years on them. OH how I would not have made it through that class with out you there to keep me sane and to laugh at each other when we would say something that was really funny and they would just stare.

Also I loved how we had the most beautiful feet HA HA. Our feet were hideous they were constantly torn up and bleeding but that always made us happy because it meant we were dancing hard. I miss those days of having to tape our feet like when you used duck tape because that’s all we had. I want to dance again to feel the pain in my feet and that feeling of just dancing you know what I mean.

I loved making up our teacher dances those were the days. It was my favorite when we would just wind our bodies up some way and come up with some way cool moves. Also I loved how we like shared a mind how we always seemed to be think the same thing and every move just flowed. We were always laughing when we were together non stop and there was never a dull moment with us for example we would sing lovely opera songs and spin really fast until the blood rushed to are hands. My favorite dance we did was Breath Of Heaven it still gives me chills every time I watch it. I don’t think I would have stuck with dance if we were not able to develop our skills farther and dance together because no one else there could do what we could we were amazing dancers if I do say so my self. Also I loved are talks we would have outside the studio on that spooky road what were we thinking standing out there in the Ghetto of Safford we were insane and I am not even going to mention the Disney recital because that just pisses me off if you were not there I would have gone insane.

Alright my favorite memory is us dancing with the Taizor in my belly. Oh we had so much fun that last year together and it was the best because Taiz was there to. I know I was a little insane because I always brought so many outfits but it is hard to dress when you are prego. Thanks so much for helping me that year you were a life savor especially when I got really big and could not leap, turn, and do all the other fun dance stuff anymore. You do not know how much I appreciate your help and for putting up with prego hormones.

Well we have had so many good dance memories and I could keep going I mean we danced together for like 6 years or so but I will stop here. I am so happy that we met each other through dance and how close we have become. You are one of a kind Kash and I am happy to be basically your sister. Now all we have to do is start dancing again after baby boy gets here because I miss it so very deeply it is a passion I can never give up. One of these days we will have our studio so we never have to quit. Well hope you have enjoyed my book I wrote. See YA!!!

Pearson Family said...

Pretty much all of high school...
One of my favorites is when we had to do the Usher dance during the Ft. Thomas game and you went just a tid bit too early for the music and you just laughed and put your head down but went right along with everything. Ever smooth. By the way it is on tape.
Another good one. Is when you dressed up as cave woman. I loved that outfit.
I know this is going to sound weird. But the best memories were just in practice and visualizing you in your Britney Spears t-shirt of that old t-shirt with the ladies and the long legs on it. I don't know. I'm odd.
Oh I know...I'm doing a lot but another one was at boys basketball state and the random boys and Krispy Kremes I don't know if you remember???!!! Good times. Love ya.